The term business (or home-based business- I use the term interchangeably) applies to anyone working for themselves, whose main Idaho business location is in the home or in a separate structure on the home property. Home business applies not just to businesses that buy and sell goods, but to home-based inventors, professionals, freelancers, designers, consultants, internet entrepreneurs anyone who is self employed
Coeur d’Alene home business also applies to self-employed individuals who earn their income away from home such as contractors, tradespeople, musicians, caterers, sales reps but do their business administrative work at home office: scheduling, paying bills, posting their records, and any other business-related work. Self employed on demand (sharing economy, gig economy) workers who do their administrative work at home are also considered home based businesses.
Just about everything in small time operator applies to home businesses. But CDA homes businesses are also subject to government rules and restriction and income tax laws that apply only to home-based businesses. And home businesses, just because they are in your home, have their own unique problems and rewards.
For Tax Resolution or Tax Preparation services in Coeur d’Alene Idaho click here.
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